Effective Date: January 1, 2024

Version 1.0

Welcome to Golf Market, provided by  ELEVENELS LLC, 10300 NW 19th ST, Suite 111, DORAL, Florida (33172), United States of America, We are pleased to offer you access to the Service (as defined below), subject to these terms and conditions (the “Terms and Conditions”) and the Company’s Privacy Policy (the “Privacy Policy”). By accessing and using the Service, you signify your consent, agreement, and understanding of the Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy. If you do not agree to the Terms and Conditions or Privacy Policy, please do not use the Service.

These general terms and conditions constitute the rules and regulations established by Golf Market with respect to the use of the services offered (hereinafter “the services”) within the www.GolfMarket.us site (hereinafter “Golf Market” or “the Site”)

Any person who wishes to access and/or use the site or the services may do so provided that they agree to these general terms and conditions of use and all the annexes that are considered an integral part of this agreement.

Therefore, any person who does not accept these GENERAL CONDITIONS AND THEIR ANNEXES must refrain from using the site and/or the services. It is clarified that Golf Market may modify these General Conditions of Use at any time, as well as incorporate and/or change the annexes that are part of this document, making them public on its website.

Golf Market Service

GolfMarket.us is a platform for online business contacts exclusive to Golf.

In other words, GolfMarket.us acts as a meeting point on the Internet that allows people to sell and buy products or services.

GolfMarket.us acts exclusively as a provider of a communication service between buyers and sellers. In no case is the objective of the contract for GolfMarket.us to obtain commissions for possible transactions or operations carried out.

As GolfMarket.us is not involved in the transactions carried out by the parties, it has no control and therefore is not responsible for the quality, condition, safety, existence or legality of the items advertised, the sincerity of the information provided, the veracity or accuracy of the personal data of the users, as well as the ability of the sellers to sell and the ability of the buyers to buy.

GolfMarket.us CANNOT GUARANTEE that buyers or sellers will enter into a transaction.

These general terms and conditions of use do not create any partnership agreement, joint venture, franchise, mandate, agency or employment relationship between GolfMarket.us and the user.

Requirements for Using the Site’s Services

a- Acceptance of the General Terms and Conditions of Use

Any user who does not accept, disagrees, or fails to comply with the provisions set forth by GolfMarket.us in these General Terms and Conditions, will not be authorized to use the services and content that exist or may exist on the Site, and must immediately withdraw from the Site and refrain from entering it again.

b- User Capacity

Anyone using the site must have the legal capacity to contract. In the event that the User registers as a legal entity or as an ideal person, the natural person who carries out such registration act must have the capacity to contract in the name and on behalf of the User.


In order to avail yourself of the services provided at GolfMarket.us, the mere acceptance of these General Terms and Conditions is sufficient. However, for the use of some services, the prior registration of the user is established. The purpose of such registration shall be to establish the identity and contact information of the user.

Personal Account at GolfMarket.us

When it is required to complete the registration form, the user must enter all the personal information that is required of him or her in an exact, precise and authentic manner (hereinafter referred to as “Personal Data”) and assume the commitment to modify the Personal Data when there is any variation with respect to it. of the same.

GolfMarket.us may use different means to verify the identity of users.

GolfMarket.us is not responsible for the accuracy, validity and authenticity of the Personal Data entered. Only Users guarantee and are responsible for the accuracy of the data entered by them.

GolfMarket.us reserves the right to reject any application for registration, without the need to explain the reasons that will lead it to make that decision and without this generating the right to compensation or compensation in favor of the applicant.

When registering with GolfMarket.us, each person accesses a personal account (hereinafter referred to as the “Account”) by entering a nickname and a personal security code, which only the user knows and undertakes to keep confidential.

The User is solely responsible for all transactions carried out on his/her Account. The User undertakes to notify GolfMarket.us immediately and by reliable means of any unauthorized use of their Account. No user may have more than one Account with GolfMarket.us. The user can access and obtain a single Account to publish advertisements either free or paid. It is absolutely forbidden to create more than one account, in case of verification of such complication, GolfMarket.us will sanction the user by deleting the accounts created and at its sole discretion will permanently disqualify him from GolfMarket.usThe sale, assignment or transfer of the Account, whether for consideration or free of charge, is prohibited.

Intellectual property

All content, database, files, programs, etc. that make the site work, is the property of GolfMarket.us and is protected by the current legal system in terms of copyright, trademarks, models, patents and industrial designs. . Its use or reproduction is prohibited, unless written authorization granted by GolfMarket.us.

Obligations of advertisers

  • The Advertiser undertakes to ensure that the products or services offered exactly match the descriptions made in the advertisements. If photographs, images, graphics or videos are used, they must correspond specifically to the product being offered.
  • The Advertiser undertakes to ensure that the prices shown in the advertisements are expressed in the final value, i.e. including VAT when applicable by law. GolfMarket.us may remove any advertisement that is not expressed in this way, to avoid confusion as to the final price of the product.
  • The Advertiser is solely responsible for all tax or fiscal obligations and burdens levied on the sale of its products, and GolfMarket.us cannot be held liable for failure to do so.

It is clarified that the Advertiser, by offering a product or service, expresses: its intention to dispose of said good or service; that he/she has the full right to do so (if the good or service is owned by a third party, he/she declares that he/she is authorized by the owner to carry out the transaction) and that he/she owns it for immediate delivery, without any delay to the purchasing User.


GolfMarket.us, without prejudice to other measures, will warn, temporarily or permanently suspend or disqualify as a User and will not provide its services when: 1) the User’s conduct does not conform to these General Conditions of Use or to the annexes that they consider incorporated herein. 2) GolfMarket.us is unable to verify any information provided by the User 3) GolfMarket.us understands that the User’s actions are cause of liability for the User who carried out such actions, for other Users, for third parties or for GolfMarket.us.



They may not publish or sell items prohibited by these General Terms and Conditions of Use and/or prohibited by applicable law.

  • They cannot create more than one account with GolfMarket.us. Each has the ability to obtain and use a unique account for which they will be responsible.
  • They may not publish products or services in categories other than the category they correspond to.
  • No more than one product or service may be published in the same advertisement.
  • They may not use images, graphics, photographs and/or videos that are not their property or that do not have authorization or license from the author.
  • They may not provide information: (a) false, inaccurate or misleading (b) that is fraudulent and relates to stolen or counterfeit items. c) that violate intellectual property rights, patents, trademarks, trade secrets or other similar rights. (d) that are obscene or contain pornography. e) contain any virus that may damage or intercept systems, databases or personal information.
  • They may not use the contact form to advertise goods and services, or to send messages that are not related to the posted notice. The contact form can only be used when there is interest or concern about the published notice, any other use is improper.

Prohibited Items

Without prejudice to the goods and/or services prohibited by current law, Users may not offer and market the following products:

  • Stolen property
  • Contraband product and counterfeit or adulterated products.
  • Firearms or any other weapon that throws projectiles, as well as items related to them such as bullets, cartridges, etc. Also no explosive materials or gunpowder.
  • Pornography-related services and items.
  • Prescription drugs and pharmaceutical items.
  • Narcotic drugs
  • Human organs or waste
  • Lottery whose sale is reserved for establishments duly authorized in this regard by current regulations.
  • Raffles
  • Wildlife or endangered species.
  • Stocks, bonds, financial securities that can only be traded on Stock Exchanges.
  • Personal databases, lists, or software designed to send unsolicited commercial email (SPAM) bulk
  • Articles that infringe copyright, intellectual and industrial property.
  • Credit or debit cards
  • Resale of items or services that are prohibited by the original manufacturer, licensee, or supplier.
  • Hacking and cracking, this refers to any program, CD or any other medium that contains information, tools, instructions or programs that can be used to introduce viruses or hack a site or electronic device.

User Reviews

GolfMarket.us’s User rating system recognises those users who meet the guidelines they consider to be of value.

At no time does GolfMarket.us guarantee successful transactions by these users.

The rating guidelines may be modified, as new criteria may be created for the recognition of users who will be informed when this happens in GolfMarket.us. Such criteria changes can cause a user’s rating to decrease or increase.

GolfMarket.us reserves the right to reduce or delete a user’s rating when there are guidelines that, in its opinion, are not worthy of a certain rating.

Rates and Publication Modalities in GolfMarket.us

There are different types of publication on GolfMarket.us, one of which is absolutely free of charge to the User who intends to offer or demand products or services and others are paid. It is clarified that GolfMarket.us does not obtain commission and/or any other type of participation for the completion of operations between Users, buyers and sellers.


GolfMarket.us reserves the right to delete and/or block Accounts and users at any time, without the obligation to justify such determination and without generating any right to the user, when it considers that in its sole discretion: violating the rights of third parties or GolfMarket.us, are dangerous for the user community.

Whistleblowing Channel

In the event that any natural or legal person becomes aware of an irregular situation or whose rights are affected by publications made by users on GolfMarket.us, they must write to contacto@GolfMarket.us.

In the email containing the complaint, you must detail as precisely as possible:

1-What is the content that is the object of the complaint by copying the URL where the notice in question appears and indicating the nickname and name of the user who published it

2- The grounds on which such a claim is based

3- Identification and contact details of the person sending the complaint.

You can also make a report by clicking on the “Report Abuse” button below the description of the notice. Once the complaint of the interested party has been received, it will be analyzed by the GolfMarket.us staff where the corresponding measures will be taken according to the case. Likewise, GolfMarket.us may request from the interested party any other additional information that may be necessary to corroborate the circumstances indicated in the complaint.

Personal data

By using the Website, you consent to GolfMarket.us’s collection, transfer, retention, and use of your personal data on servers located in Argentina and the United States.

Limitations of GolfMarket.us’s Liability

Regarding the goods and/or services offered: GolfMarket.us does not intervene or participate during the entire time that the good or service is published for sale, nor in the subsequent negotiation or the completion of the definitive contract between the Buyer and Seller Users. , therefore it will not be responsible for the effective fulfillment of the obligations assumed by the parties.

Under no circumstances will GolfMarket.us be liable for any direct or indirect damage and/or loss, expressly including in the latter the loss of profits, that a User may have suffered due to the completion or non-completion of an operation with another User, of the articles. published through GolfMarket.us.

GolfMarket.us does not own, possess, or supplier, and does not offer for sale the items posted on the Site. GolfMarket.us only provides the service of making available to Users a virtual platform so that they can communicate with buyers and sellers of products or services. Therefore, it is not responsible for the quality, condition, safety, existence or legality of the items advertised, the sincerity of the information provided, the veracity or accuracy of the personal data of the users, nor for the capacity of the sellers. to sell and the ability of buyers to buy.

The User acknowledges and accepts that when entering into transactions with other Users or third parties, he/she does so at his/her own risk. Each User is solely responsible for the items they post for sale and/or the purchases they make.

Regarding system failures: GolfMarket.us is not responsible for any damage, loss or loss to the User as a result of the existence of failures in the system, in the server or on the Internet, nor will it be responsible for any virus that may infect the User’s equipment as a result of the use of the site.

GolfMarket.us undertakes to try to find a solution as quickly as possible to the problems that interrupt the normal operation of the site, without being held responsible for this. GolfMarket.us does not guarantee the continuous or uninterrupted use of the site. GolfMarket.us is not responsible for any errors or omissions in content on its site.

Regarding links to other sites: The site may contain links to other websites, which does not indicate that they are owned or operated by GolfMarket.us. GolfMarket.us is not responsible for the contents, actions and/or services provided by them, nor for damages or losses caused by the use of the same, whether directly or indirectly. The existence of links to other websites does not imply that there is a partnership agreement or declaration of approval or endorsement by GolfMarket.us of such sites.

Quantitative limitation of liability: GolfMarket.us’s liability to Users or third parties in any circumstance is limited to the following sum of money: 1) the fees paid by the User to GolfMarket.us in its featured paid publications.

Indemnity Guarantee

Buying and selling Users undertake to indemnify and hold harmless GolfMarket.us, as well as its directors, representatives, attorneys-in-fact, owners and employees, for any claim or demand from other users or third parties for their activities on the site, or for their breach of these general conditions of use and their annexes, or for violation of any of the laws or rights of third parties.  including professional fees of intervening letters.

Case of nullity of a clause

If any provision of these Terms of Use (or its annexes) is held to be void, voidable or unenforceable, it shall not affect any other provision hereof. Accordingly, the Terms of Use and their annexes shall be amended to the extent necessary to give effect to the other provisions hereof.

Governing Law and Jurisdiction

These General Terms and Conditions and their annexes are governed by the legislation in force in the Argentine Republic.Any controversy that arises in relation to the existence, validity, interpretation, scope or execution of the same, shall be submitted by the intervening parties to the ordinary jurisdiction of the Courts of the city of Rafaela, province of Santa Fe.  Argentine Republic. Users waive any other jurisdiction or jurisdiction that may correspond to them.

Establishment of domicile

For all purposes derived from these general conditions (or their annexes), GolfMarket.us is domiciled in the city of Rafaela, province of Santa Fe, Argentina.These terms of service enter into force on 29.06.2022Any comments, concerns or complaints may be directed to contact@GolfMarket.us.

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